Part Four: Are You a Natural Born Leader?

A statement I often hear is “Well, he/she is just a natural born leader”. Too often this observation is used to contrast a good leader with a poor leader and provides a convenient excuse to dismiss or excuse a poor leader (he/she is just not leadership material).

Let’s be clear – No one is a born leader. Leaders are made – not born. While some people seem to adapt to a leadership role better than others, the skills needed to become a good leader are developed – not genetic. Allow me to illustrate…

Take a pen and paper and write “LEADERSHIP QUALITIES” at the top of the page. Take a moment to paint a mental picture of someone you hold in esteem as a leader. Focus on appearance, actions, habits, and lifestyle. When your picture appears sharp and clear, list the qualities that come to mind as you ask yourself these questions:
• What specific skills and characteristics does this person possess?
• How does this person relate to others personally, professionally, and socially?
• What does this individual do that elicits respect and admiration?

Now review your list and ask yourself one more question: Was this leader born with such well-developed leadership traits?

Characteristics like being a good communicator, motivator, mentor, or coach are developed. Creating a vision and strategic plan, mobilizing teams, and generating commitment and motivation are all learned skills. While different leaders possess different skills and characteristics in different amounts, it is widely agreed and accepted that leaders are made, not born. Furthermore, leadership is more a matter of self development than external situations.

While you may find some exceptions caused by learning disabilities or other similar disadvantages, everyone has the potential to become a leader. Effective leaders develop and hone their leadership skills much like a talented athlete, musician, or an artist develops their skills.

You have the potential to become a champion leader. Visit our website at for more leadership tips and tools.

This is #4 of a five part series. Coming up – Part Five: Activate Your Potential!

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